FauxPas 1.2.1 fails to build, previous version was ok

Issue #50 invalid
Jouni Miettunen created an issue

Just updated to latest version 1.2 1, FauxPas stopped working (below). Thinking how could I downgrade to previous version :(

ERROR: Initialization: Error when parsing precompiled header #1: /Users/jounimiettunen/git/project_folder/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-HockeySDK/Pods-HockeySDK-prefix.pch:5:9: fatal error: 'Pods-environment.h' file not found

Comments (4)

  1. Jouni Miettunen reporter

    Excellent! Installed 1.2, built the project without changing settings: took unusually long time, but success at the end. Closed 1.2 and re-opened 1.2.1, built same project without changing settings: success!

    Looks like I somehow messed up something and there is no real problems with 1.2.1. Case can be closed. Best tech support ever, sorry for the trouble :)

  2. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Okay, I'm happy to hear that. If this issue seems to resurface, please post a comment here and I'll reopen this ticket.

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