Confused about "Recommended VCS ignores" results

Issue #57 invalid
Jouni Miettunen created an issue


CocoaPods should not be ignored in the version control system. The ignored paths are:

My .gitignore contains:


I was expecting that Pods/Manifest.lock file is not ignored and actually it is added under version control. So I'm confused what this warning message means and how to fix the problem.

Here'e the whole .gitignore file just in case:


# Xcode build folder should be ignored

# Temporary OS X files should be ignored


# Xcode private settings files should be ignored

# Xcode moved-aside files should be ignored

# CocoaPods should be ignored
# Except we DO WANT these under version control (jouni)
# Pods/

# AppCode data folder should be ignored

# Ignore this file, when using github based DVCS

And .gitignore_global, which I'm going to remove, since using ignore rules, which are not under version control, does not help making portable projects:


Comments (3)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this, and sorry for the delay in my response.

    I have been unable to reproduce this behavior using the .gitignore you posted — in my tests the !Pods/Manifest.lock rule seems to work correctly. Please check if there is something else in your setup that is affecting this.

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