minErrorStatusSeverity not use in project.fauxpas.json file

Issue #71 invalid
Morissard jerome created an issue

I'm using this parameters

"ruleTags" : ["Recommended","BestPractice","Style","Resources"], "onlyRules": [], "excludedRules": ["HardcodedUIString","MissingTranslation","DuplicateTranslation","DuplicateTranslation","XIBUnknownClassReference","UncommentedLocalizedString","APIAvailability"], "minErrorStatusSeverity": "Error"

but report return reports with all severity

Comments (1)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    The minErrorStatusSeverity option doesn't filter the emitted diagnostics — it just controls the exit status of the fauxpas command.

    Here's the documentation for that option:

       --minErrorStatusSeverity <"Concern" / "Warning" / "Error" / "Fatal" /
           Minimum diagnostic severity to return nonzero exit status
           (default: "Error")
           Makes us return a nonzero exit status if at least one diagnostic is
           emitted with the given severity (or higher). If 'None', always
           return zero (success).
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