Clearly incorrect “did you mean” suggestion (different file type)

Issue #74 resolved
Evgeny Karkan created an issue

I've got 'Code refers to unknown resource' warning.

Here is the reason - 'Attempt to load unknown resource named MyProject.momd. Did you mean BtnNewMyProject.png?'

MyProject - it's just an example to show you file name matching, maybe this is potential reason of such kind warnings. I guess there is some collision between naming of Core Data's .momd and .png image assets.

Please see screenshot in attachment for more details.

Comments (4)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this. To clarify: what is the specific issue being reported? Is it:

    1. A false positive where MyProject.momd is in fact included in the target, but Faux Pas warns about it being "unknown"?
    2. An incorrect "did you mean" suggestion where an image file is being suggested as a potential replacement for a momd file?

    The latter is of course less critical but something that I should improve anyway.

  2. Evgeny Karkan reporter

    Hello @ali_rantakari, I'm here ;)

    Yes, I'm facing the case number 2.

    "Attempt to load unknown resource named BlahBlah.momd. Did you mean BtnNewBlahBlah.png?"

    It seems that the Faux Pas suggests me to replace .momd file with .png image asset, in which naming collision occurs. BlahBlah - is a non-real name, real name is under NDA, so I replaced it just to show you collision in file names, I think you will catch an idea.

    Best wishes, Evgeny

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