File Not Found error when including CocoaPod pod header

Issue #76 closed
Darren Ehlers created an issue

This compiles and runs fine, but the "file not found" error appears during the FauxPas checking phase. This happens in both the FauxPas app and thru the Xcode building Run Script phase.

Comments (3)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this. Without knowing the specifics of your Xcode project, here are a couple of remedies that you should try:

    1. If you have a workspace that you normally use to build the project, select it, along with the appropriate scheme, in Faux Pas (by setting the “Xcode workspace to build project with” and “Xcode scheme to build project with” options, which can easily be done via the Configuration → Configuration Wizard… menu item.)
    2. Try enabling the “Build project before checking” option in Faux Pas.
  2. Darren Ehlers reporter

    I saw another previous issue, and had already tried setting the Workspace and Scheme.

    I didn't think the "Build project before checking" was needed as I didn't see any source that was being created during the build process...BUT, that did resolve the error.


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