Annotation header is added with absolute path

Issue #77 closed
Ignazio Calo' created an issue

I added the FauxPasAnnotation.h file using the UI application and the "project / add annotation header" menù option.

On the next check FauxPas shows me a warning about a file added with an absolute path, and this file was exactly FauxPasAnnotation.h. I had to change it manually to "relative to project".

Comments (3)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this — this is a known issue, and I agree that the user experience here is subpar.

    Faux Pas adds the .h file using Xcode's AppleScript API (because it's the only public API I'm aware of that allows adding files to an Xcode project) and unfortunately when invoking that part of the API while specifying that the file should be added as a relative reference crashes Xcode. I have reported this to Apple under rdar://17958872

  2. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Xcode 8.0+ no longer supports adding file references to projects via its AppleScript API, so the latest version of Faux Pas no longer attempts to automate this — instead it just copies the file next to your Xcode project and asks you to manually add it to your project.

    This change nullifies this issue, which is why I'm closing it.

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