Cannot find an Info.plist file

Issue #82 resolved
Daniel Beard created an issue

I get the following error when trying to run FauxPas, any ideas on how I can debug this?

Initialization: Processing build steps
ERROR: Initialization: Error: Cannot find an Info.plist file.
Initialization: Interpreting 299 XIB files...

Applying rules before checking code
No compilation units found  no code to check.
Applying rules after checking code
Filtering diagnostics
Post-processing diagnostics
Checked total 0 code statements in 00:06:33.939 (the preparation took 00:06:23.337 (97.3%)).
Some errors were encountered. If these are a problem, please consider the following remedies:
 Try clearing the project caches (Project  Clear Project Caches menu item in the GUI, or `fauxpas clearcaches <path_to_xcodeproj>` in the CLI)
 If source files are generated during builds, or if interpreting this project's source code otherwise depends on full builds to occur, enable the 'Build project before checking' option.
 In general, ensure that the xcodebuild arguments Faux Pas uses are correct: enable the 'verbose' option and try performing the checks to see what arguments are being used, and then determine if they need to be adjusted

Comments (8)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    What kind of a target are you checking? Does it have an Info.plist file configured?

  2. Daniel Beard reporter

    iOS app, it does have an Info.plist (although there are three separate plists for Debug, Enterprise and Appstore). Worth noting that I could build with Faux Pas in the past.

  3. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    @daniel-beard Could you please save the xcodebuild log output into a text file and email it to me? With that I might be able to figure out why the Info.plist path cannot be determined correctly.

  4. Daniel Beard reporter

    Any update here? It's unfortunate that this is a complete blocker for me, I'm not able to use FauxPas at all.

  5. Daniel Beard reporter

    Hah! I just checked with the latest update, and it's working again! Thankyou, you can consider this issue closed :D :D :D

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