Cannot remove Recent project

Issue #9 closed
John Daub created an issue

I cannot remove an entry from the Recent projects list in the main Faux Pas window.

I downloaded and installed the 0.9.6 beta. Looked around the app, about, preferences, etc.. Then I did an Open Project, selected one of my projects and had it run. It failed out on some things (something in my project)... didn't bother looking into it at this time since I'm just poking around at Faux Pas.

But I closed things out and got back to the main Faux Pas window. I see my project listed under Recent projects. I right-clicked, select "Remove from recent projects" and nothing happened -- the project remained. I tried "Reveal in Finder", and that worked. Tried quitting and restarting Faux Pas... no change in removal behavior.

Hopefully this is enough information, but if you need more info towards successful reproduction and resolution, let me know and I'll be happy to help however I can.

Comments (4)

  1. John Daub reporter

    Oh... more interesting.

    I opened a second project.

    First, I seem to be able to click on the "Recent projects" heading. Like I can select it, like it's not a real table heading but is actually a row in the table. Seems non-standard behavior, and maybe that has a role in this. Because... I am able to also right-click on the "Recent Projects" heading... and it seems to somehow play into things. Like I can Remove something, and it removes the next one.

    well, what I noticed was, I added a second project:

    • Recent projects
    • my project 1
    • my project 2

    If I right-clicked on project2 and tried to work with it, nothing.

    But if I right-clicked on project1 and tried to work with it, it affected project2 !

    Note: this is only happening on "Remove"... Reveal works on the proper index, so I'm guessing the "Remove" logic has an index (off-by-one?) error somewhere.

    And also, there shouldn't be any interaction with the header row (other than things like clicking it allows you to sort the column contents).

  2. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this! There were three bugs here that have now been fixed for the next release:

    • "Remove from recent projects" not working
    • Context menu shown for group rows
    • "Remove from recent projects" shown for projects in the "Projects open in Xcode" group.
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