Installation error on Travis CI

Issue #95 resolved
Former user created an issue

We have a setup where we run FauxPas as part of our CI builds on Travis. In order to do this, we run brew cask install fauxpas, then install the FauxPas CLI tools, then run fauxpas check from the command line. This last step has been failing a lot recently, with an error that looks like:

Exception while executing '': launch path not accessible Error initializing the development environment: • Error: Cannot find Developer dir at path: '(null)'. Make sure that you have Xcode and the command-line tools installed. Make sure that you have Xcode and the command-line tools installed. The command-line tools can be installed by running xcode-select --install in Terminal.

I'm not sure if this is a FauxPas issue or a Travis issue, but it's really annoying in practice (this now intermittently causes most, but not all, of our builds to fail).

Here's an example of a failing Travis build:

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Comments (3)

  1. Ali Rantakari repo owner

    Hmm, that looks strange, especially the fact that it's intermittent.

    It looks like Faux Pas is unable to find xcode-select for some reason (it's most likely in /usr/bin but Faux Pas is being paranoid and asking which).

    Whatever the root cause of this is, a potential workaround could be to set the DEVELOPER_DIR environment variable manually before invoking Faux Pas (which is possible iff the Travis Xcode installation path is deterministic, which I assume it is.)

  2. Jack Flintermann

    Cool - this tentatively appears to work, thank you! Given the intermittent nature of the issue I'm not 100% certain we're out of the woods but we haven't had a broken build since I added that. I'll post here with any updates. Thanks again!

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