GUI Implementation

Issue #13 resolved
Antonio Pinto created an issue

Greetings. I use your script to manage my git deploys on shared hosts, who doesn't support git, and even in some who support (habit...).

However, being a designer not a coder, I love GUI's over .ini or .cfg or any other kind of file for that matter.

Are you interest in making a GUI configuration utility? If you are I volunteer myself to design the HTML and CSS to make it pretty. I do think it would be a useful feature for many people.

As for implementation I have a few ideas (even considering security issues that may arise and I'm willing to discuss them if you are willing to move with this forward.

Thank you!

Comments (6)

  1. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner


    Wow, that is exactly what I was thinking about these past few days: a GUI, at least for the configuration part, but possibly for triggering the deployment. I was also thinking at extending a bit the script to make it more flexible (for example to allow multiple branches to be deployed), but that would be more for the long term plan.

    Anyway, my design skills never got beyond using some simple bootstrap-based layouts, so any help in this area would be really appreciated.

    Thank you for your willing to help with this. Looking forward to hearing your ideas so we can get this rolling (as the time permits, of course).

    Thanks, Alex

  2. Antonio Pinto reporter

    That's amazing. I'll try to get a few moment's over the next week to share my ideas with you.

    Have a nice weekend.

    António Pinto

  3. Antonio Pinto reporter

    Well this will not be a extensive list, but rather a quick memo so you can start thinking and providing feedback. For the GUI to work the following conditions shall be met:

    • It must be secure. In my opinion password only is not enough for most cases, so we should at least use .htaccess to deny all and allow some.
    • It should work in basic shared hosting environments (it's the primary goal of your script).
    • Should be easy to use and mobile first designed.

    These are my main goals, now about features:

    • Create New Projects
    • Allow Deplyoment (with the various options like clean).
    • Add Bitbucket Accounts (multiple teams would be nice).
    • tricky? Store passwords encrypted (so that other users won't be able to read them).
    • optional Select projects directly from Bitbucket account (using API).

    Theres more but I'm in a rush now.

    Do you have a Skype account?

  4. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    These are good points and some of them were also on my plan. Indeed, they need some thinking and discussion, and I will put up some ideas for each of these points.

    We need to organize somehow these ideas: maybe create an issue for each? (I miss Github's Milestones feature). This way we can manage it as the list grows.

    As for Skype, I do have an account but I don't use it too often. I will send you a private message with my id.

    Thank you!

  5. Nemanja Avramović


    I've just found out this script and I really like it. I want to test it out with one of my already existing projects.

    While I agree GUI would be useful, have you considered wrapping this in a PHP class (or set of PHP classes) so others can easily use it in their projects? That way I, or anyone else, could integrate it in our projects for auto-update purposes and @apintocr (or whoever wants) could easily (if not easier than now) build their own GUI around it?

  6. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner
    • edited description
    • changed status to resolved

    Thanks for your interest in a GUI implementation, but with the new Pipelines feature this script loses its purpose. Not to mention the new API updates on the Bitbucket side. So this script should now be considered obsolete. I have updated the readme file with information on the alternative approach - using Pipelines (which is actually better than bitbucket-sync).

    Thank you!

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