Setup Conflict

Issue #16 resolved
Scott Rod created an issue

On my shared hosting, the files listed below have now been placed inside a directory called, "bitbucket-sync" which resides inside "public_html" directory.

  • public_html
    • bitbucket-sync
      • commits directory
      • config.php
      • deploy.php
      • gateway.php
      • index.php

BTW, all seems to be working, however…

The says:

Copy the source files to your web-server in a location which is accessible from the internet (usually public_html, or www folders).

On contrary, the readme.txt inside the "commits" folder states:

Ideally, this folder should be placed out of reach from public (outside www or public_html directories).

I'm confused about the correct way to set this up. I don't want to promote a vulnerability all because I placed these files incorrectly.

Comments (3)

  1. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    First off, as long as the config.php file specifies the correct path to commits folder, the script should run fine, regardless of the actual location.

    Now, for the vulnerability part, if you're concerned that someone might access the commits folder through the internet and read the information about your pushes, then you can move commits outside public_html. This is not a real vulnerability, but rather a harmless information leak (if someone know what files you changed, they cannot do much about it, or if they know your repository name, that's OK if the repo is private). Moreover, the files in commits have a shore lifespan (until the actual deployment is performed after a push, which can be immediately after the POST service hook is triggered if your configuration has automaticDeployment on true).

    However, if you would like to be super-safe, simply move that folder outside public_html, or protect it through a .htaccess file.

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