Post deployment script

Issue #32 resolved
Former user created an issue


Is there a way to include post deployment script? something like running "composer install" after the files has been updated?


Comments (3)

  1. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    The script does not have this ability built in, but you can easily change the code to do additional processing after the sync. For example, you can add custom code in deploy.php, after line 96. If syncFull or syncChanges methods don't return false, you can perform your post-deployment tasks (i.e. call another PHP script or a system command).

    I hope this helps.

  2. Anton Iskandiarov

    @alixandru Hi, thanks for you advice. But it looks like a nice feature to have. For example in my case I need to refresh database migrations if they have been changed. I'll create a custom script, thanks for pointing where exactly to add it.

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