"Unable to extract files" error since 6/16/16

Issue #38 resolved
Zach Cheatham created an issue

I've had this script working across all of our sites for quite some time, but suddenly on 6/16 midway through the day syncing to my server started failing. Does anyone know if the webhooks changed in Bitbucket? If I hit the URL manually even, I get the following:

BitBucket Sync - Full Deploy

  • Fetching archive from [BITBUCKET URL HERE]
  • Extracting archive to commits/ # Unable to extract files. Is the repository name correct?

This happened simultaneously across all of my sites, so it's either something on Bitbucket's end that changed, or something in my hosting providers. Anyone else running into this? Perhaps a change to their permissions or something?

Comments (8)

  1. Casey Picker

    I'm seeing the same issue when trying to do a full deploy using deploy.php. It appears that gateway.php is still working using partial deployments.

  2. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    I can get the full deploy just fine. Is it still an issue for you, guys? Perhaps there was a blip with the Bitbucket service offering zip archives.

    BitBucket Sync - Full Deploy
     * Fetching archive from https://bitbucket.org/alixandru/dummy/get/dev.zip
     * Extracting archive to /home/puncaro1/commits/
     * Copying new content to /home/puncaro1/public_html/scripts/sync/tmp/
     * Cleaning up temporary files and folders
    Finished deploying dummy.
  3. Casey Picker

    Not sure if this matters, but this is a team repository, so I'm passing the team param and using a user that has access to that team. Could that be the issue?

  4. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    I just tried with a team repo and for me it's working fine. Could it be that your password has changed in the mean time and the script was not updated? Or perhaps permission changes at the team level?

    BitBucket Sync - Full Deploy
     * Fetching archive from https://bitbucket.org/arena-bvb/arena-xt-mobile/get/master.zip
     * Extracting archive to /home/puncaro1/commits/
     * Copying new content to /home/puncaro1/public_html/scripts/sync/tmp2/
     * Cleaning up temporary files and folders
    Finished deploying arena-xt-mobile.
  5. Zach Cheatham reporter

    Thanks for helping troubleshoot! Turns out Bitbucket is currently migrating all user accounts to new Atlassian accounts... that dummy read-only account we are using to do the syncing was essentially 'inactive' until I logged on and initiated the account migration. Everything is back up and syncing perfectly again. This script is SO helpful btw, thanks again!

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