Deployment empties out modified files - similar to #17

Issue #40 resolved
Amit G created an issue

Flashback to the error mentioned way back in 2014 in issue #17.

I checked my installation, it has the curl version line commented out (I got it off the latest branch) so it can't be that.

I also tried a verbose flag for curl to see if any errors got generated, no dice.

Anyone else having this issue and a possible way to debug this?

Comments (9)

  1. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    I just did a quick test. For me it's working fine. Does this happen for all modified files, or only for some of them?

  2. Amit G reporter

    Hey alixandru, appreciate the quick response! By the looks of it, all files. I'm happy to debug and test it if you have an idea on what might possibly be causing this.

    I messed around with the curl settings for another hour after opening the ticket, couldn't get an error to generate to help debug it.

  3. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    I have no idea of what could cause it. No breaking change on Bitbucket side either, as per their blog. So it might be related to your environment/hosting server only. I would check what output I get from the curl calls and possibly try accessing those URLs by hand (or through other means different than curl) to double check if communication between the server and bitbucket is OK. If your files are emptied, you need to see if the response itself is empty or if there's something else which blanks the files.

    I'm sorry I cannot be of more help.

  4. Amit G reporter

    Hey Alex, aw, thanks for checking on this so fast though.

    I'll try deploying the script to in a while to another server. I'll also run some tests on this one. I checked the CURL settings between both of them, and I didn't really see a difference - here's hopin' I hit something nuanced that's hiding in plain sight.

    I'll keep this open if I can get some information which might help you tell me what I might have done wrong.

    Thanks again for a brilliant script, by the way. We've been using it for the past year and its saved countless hours!

  5. Amit G reporter

    Could it be curlwrappers? PHP 5.6 doesn't support curlwrappers. The other server where we use the script works as expected; the only difference is PHP 5.4 with curlwrapper vs PHP 5.6 without.

  6. Роман Семилетов

    Try to check login / password in your config file. Also you can disable automaticDeployment and open deploy.php in your browser. Then try to open a url on one file and enter your login/password from config. Depoly.php don't show this error...

  7. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    As a note, @mrgray I'm getting the same behavior as you on my bitbucket-sync installation. I haven't done any deployments in a while and now files are empty. Unfortunately I don't have time to investigate this and I don't think I am willing to spend time on it, giving the fact that days are numbered for this project (due to BitBucket API changes).

    The good news is that there's an alternative to this script - the Pipelines, which work really well. Of course, there are some limitations on the free tier, but for basic usage it is fine.

  8. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    With the introduction of Pipelines feature in BitBucket, this script becomes obsolete. The file now contains a short description on how to use Pipelines instead of this script. I am closing this ticket for now.

  9. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    OK, in my case there was a wrong user/password combination left in my config file which made the deployment impossible. So this thingy is still working fine :)

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