Script not making any changes.

Issue #7 resolved
Tim Jenkins created an issue

I've installed the files on my server, edited the config, and created a Post hook in the repository, however nothing seems to change when i commit. Nothing is added to the commit folder either.

Here's what i get when i run the deploy.php from a browser:

BitBucket Sync

Finished processing commits.

This might be a complication, but i'm not sure: I'm running on a vps hosting multiple websites. I've used the absolute path from the server root, and i've also tried the relative path from the script itself.

Comments (6)

  1. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    In order to narrow the possible root causes, I would suggest the following:

    • make sure the path denoted by commitsFolder variable from 'config.php' is writable
    • in your 'config.php', change automaticDeployment to false
    • make a change in your repository and push the commit (make sure you don't use the online editor, apparently service hooks are not triggered in that case)
    • check if there are files in the folder denoted by commitsFolder. If there is none, check your error logs and double check the POST service hook defined in bitbucket. If there are files, access deploy.php in your browser and check the output.

    Once you are sure everything is working fine, you can change back automaticDeployment to true. Also, do check error log after each operation you take, it might contain valuable information. It might also be a good idea to go over the documentation from README file one more time to see if you have missed anything.

    Let me know how it goes.

  2. Eberth Manjarrez

    I have the same issue, the only way I can get it to work is by running the Full Deploy option every time. Any news on this?

  3. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    If you don't give me more details about what's happening on your server or about what's in your error log, there isn't much I can do other than reiterating the recommendations above.

  4. Alexandru Lixandru repo owner

    Possibly caused by the issue described in #10 That should be fixed now, with the last commits.

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