
aloxincy Dating a sorority girl reddit

Created by aloxincy

Comments (1)

  1. aloxincy

    Dating a sorority girl reddit

    ♥♥♥ Link: Dating a sorority girl reddit

    Chill out with the stereotypes, man. If you measure up to her standards, she'll fuck you anyway. College women go to parties and bars all the time where men are trying to have sex with them, old news. Neither of the two I saw did while we were exclusive. I go to a state University and we have greek houses. Her "sisters" were batshit crazy. Proceed with the utmost caution. Attending a good university and recruiting well-rounded women that care about things besides partying helps. I was in a sorority and I don't recall sucking random cock every weekend. I just want to hear a girl's opinion. It was not fun. Your comment about trust. Which is weird because I never really thought of myself as dating a sorority girl reddit who would date a sorority girl because of my preconceived notions on what a sorority girl was. Date one and be prepared to hear about how blahblahsister is a two-faced bitch and this one slept with that ones boyfriend and blahfuckingblahblahblah. The girls may think it's something it's not but after talking to some people that's all the guys are there for. On some campuses Greek life is the only real opportunity for sociall events. Honestly I think the particular campus makes a difference. Is she going into the job market or grad school. Edit: And, like said, getting her out of the sorority house will help tremendously. She ended it when she moved from college because she "didn't see the relationship progressing in a meaningful way" or some bullshit. I'm in a fraternity. The sororities on my campus accomplish a lot of good things together and are generally a nice group of girls, they're just not what I'm looking for in a partner. One night stands only. On some campuses Greek life is the only real opportunity for sociall events. And I will admit that I stereotyped to the frat. Things not working out the way you had hoped? You're probably single and pathetic and mad that none of these white women want you. I love you so much! What did you learn or take from it? People need to worry about themselves and not stick their nose into other peoples business.


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