Preview not displayed on IMAP despite IMAP connect being available

Issue #2 resolved
Pieter Breugelmans created an issue

Thunderbird 78.43 (64-bit)

Recently performed a fresh install of TB and set up my IMAP account. Added the MessagePreview extension which seemed quite useful. It works fine after launching TB but after a while it seems to stop working. Previews don’t appear but instead, the following message is shown for all messages in my Inbox on IMAP:

You are not logged in or have disallowed IMAP downloads.

Note: I do keep my machine + TB running for several days in a row, so IMAP connections may get dropped / reconnected.

Any suggestions how to debug this?

Comments (3)

  1. alta88 repo owner

    First, check that IMAP download is allowed in Options/Preferences.

    Sometimes the tree paints faster than IMAP connects on startup; switching folders and back is enough to get the tree in the right state re IMAP, if you save the login. If not, and want to enter the password each startup, a preview can’t be fetched until successful login.

    If you’ve disconnected, try simply getting new messages on the folder to set the userAuthenticated state in Tb, which MP checks.

    Do you allow a cache in Tb preferences? If so, and without a preview cached (icon is low opacity), then no network request should be necessary as long as the userAuthenticated state is set.

  2. Pieter Breugelmans reporter

    Download imap message, if necessary, to get the preview: checked. That one I had not touched since the installation of MessagePreview extension. TB cache is also enable, override and set to 512 MB.

    So far the issue did not reproduce since I raised this issue. I’ll report back with my findings if it would happen again, and / or if I can replicate it one way or the other.

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