Locked proces when looking for draw.io, and using 100% indefinetly.

Issue #2 new
Former user created an issue

For Versión: 2.0.4.

Confluentis Unused Attachments, when used on finding draw.io diagrams, it shows no results, and the process freezes and keeps using 100% CPU indefinitely.

It seems that when using Confluentis Unused Attachments selecting "Ignore draw.io macros", the process doesn't freezes.

I'm using Confluence 7.6.2 Server.

regards, Xavier.

Comments (3)

  1. AlutusTech repo owner

    It would be great if you could help us identify the cause of this problem as we are unable to reproduce it on our side.

    Can you please try to reduce the extent of search down to a point where you could pin-point which diagram or group of draw.io diagrams cause this problem? If you could isolate some of these diagrams, maybe we can see what is special about them and why would they cause the program to freeze.

    Thank your,

  2. AlutusTech repo owner

    In the meantime, maybe you can try the new 2.0.5 version in which we made some modifications related to the processing of draw.io diagram files.

    Hopefully these changes will solve this issue, if the problem was related to this area of the program in the first place. Again, we did not reproduce the issue and could not confirm the changes fix it.

    Thank you,

  3. Xavier Ruiz

    Hello Teodor,

    I will follow the steps you recommend me, and try with the latest release.

    I’ll keep you informed.



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