Undo / Redo buttons ... and how to delete annotation ?

Issue #7 resolved
Nicolas Dunand created an issue

I can find undo/redo buttons, but they are hidden in the tool settings.

Moreover, I can’t find any way to delete an annotation.

Comments (4)

  1. Adrien Fery

    There isn’t a global undo/redo option but the tools have they own undo/redo capability. The undo/redo buttons that you see in the note pane is to undo/redo in the note editor.

    For instance, you can undo a drawing by clicking the undo button in the drawer toolbox.

    Regarding the other question, what do you mean by annotation?


  2. Nicolas Dunand reporter


    By “annotation” I meant any individual piece (object) of drawing scribbled or added in any way on top of the base pdf.

    It’s just that in any other annotation system I’m used to be able to delete any individual mark or scribble I could have added by mistake and couldn’t find the way here on Amanote.

  3. Adrien Fery

    I understand, in this case to remove the drawing, you would have to undo the drawing or add white colour hover it. But I agree that it would be nice to have an erase option, that’s in our backlog.

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