Can't use spanish for the template

Issue #112 resolved
Octavio Graniel created an issue

I read the manual and changed the language to Spanish in both the documentclass and selectlanguage. But just when the document is about to finish compiling, I get an error for the bibliography:

./ClassicThesis.tex:115: Undefined control sequence. <to e read aain> \edef \lbx@tempa {m.zj sepaniak}

l.115 ...age\include{FrontBackmatter/Bibliography}

The bibliography seems to work just fine when I'm using american,ngerman but it's impossible to use spanish.

Comments (3)

  1. Octavio Graniel reporter

    Finally I was able to use it with spanish. I followed the instructions mentioned in the pdf that comes with the template. Also, for the bibliography, I changed all of this:

    \PassOptionsToPackage{% %backend=biber, %instead of bibtex backend=bibtex,bibencoding=ascii,% language=english,% style=numeric-comp,% %style=authoryear-comp, % Author 1999, 2010 %bibstyle=authoryear,dashed=false, % dashed: substitute rep. author with --- sorting=none, % name, year, title maxbibnames=10, % default: 3, et al. %backref=true,% natbib=true % natbib compatibility mode (\citep and \citet still work) }{biblatex} \usepackage{biblatex} \renewbibmacro{in:}{}

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