\pageref in 'draft' version incorrect

Issue #118 closed
Claudio Diaspero created an issue

For your information: I tried to generate b/w pdf for printing. By uncommenting


in config.tex

I get the following for \pageref references:


I expected the following output:


This is the text:


When I uncomment

\hypersetup{colorlinks=false, linktocpage=false, pdfstartpage=3, pdfstartview=FitV, pdfborder={0 0 0}}

instead I get the expected output. Unfortunately the document is already printed.

System: Windows 10, MiKTeX 2.9, classicthesis version 4.2

Comments (3)

  1. André Miede repo owner

    Sorry for the late reply and that your print was ruined. I just did a brief test of some pagerefs with hyperref's draft-option enabled, and it worked with v4.2 as expected.

    However, your second approach should be the preferred one in order to silence the hyperlinks for printing --> I will update the comments in the config.

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