Headers and numbering

Issue #124 closed
Aleo created an issue

Hello! I have some trouble trying to adjust the classicthesis to my institution requirements. Actually, the only problem is due to the page numbering. I have already managed to include the instituional logo at the outside bottom of each page using the \ofoot command. Also I've situated the page numbering at the header using a similar option (\ohead). All of this included in the classicthesis-config.tex file, I didn't modify the .sty file.

The main problem is that there are some pages where the institutional logo and page numbering doesn't appear. Mainly, the blank pages at the end of each chapter due to the double sided document. How can I impose the page numbering and logo at those pages that appear due to the double sided characteristic?

By the way, I'm using the version for LaTeX from the CTAN v4.2 I belive.

Thanks a lot,

Comments (5)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    Try cleardoublepage=plain instead of =empty in your \documentclass.

    Check KOMA-script manual for other options.

  2. Aleo reporter

    It didn't work. I've tried the other predefined styles mentioned in the KOMA-script manual "headings", etc. but the style was not the one I defined. So, I guess there is no easy way to do this for non-expert latex users using classicthesis?

  3. Ivo Pletikosić

    Even cleardoublepage=current? That one leaves the headings intact for me. Not sure about the logo, it depends on how it's all implemented. This is an empty page after all (many will say it should remain empty anyway). Have you tried manually inserting an extra (verso) page with no contents or with something invisible in places where you normally have a clear+double page? There are more advanced ways, of course, but that's more of a KOMA-script question then. I'd start with section 3.13. of KOMA-Script guide, Interleaf Pages, and references therein.

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