Section numbering is missing

Issue #130 closed
lorenzo tenti created an issue

This is not really a bug related to classicthesis but to the last version of "titlesec" supported by the last version of Texlive supported by the last version of Ubuntu 16.04 (sorry for the loop).

Due to this bug, the numbering of the sections in classicthesis is missing, and it is really annoying. To solve this problem, you should install the very last version of titlesec (not officially supported by the repositories of Ubuntu 16.04), downloading it from and copying its content in the folder: /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/titlesec

Again, it's not a classicthesis bug but it affects the classicthesis behavior. Therefore, I think it's useful that this solution is accessible from the issue tracking of classicthesis.

Comments (1)

  1. André Miede repo owner

    Thank you very much for this information. We will keep the issue here for information purposes, but it will be closed.

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