How to get numbered sections

Issue #142 closed
Regina Venturin created an issue

I have a small questions that I could't solve using the provided documentation. I simply want my sections, subsections and subsubsections to be numbered. How can I do that?

Comments (18)

  1. André Miede repo owner

    Sorry, I do not understand the problem. Sections and subsections are numbered by default, i.e., see Chapter 2 of the documentation.

  2. Ivo Pletikosić

    1) Download the package from bitbucket, the Downloads section here. Do not change anything.

    2) How many times have you run "pdflatex ClassicThesis.tex"? Do it two or three times. You also need to run biber after the first compilation. Check for errors in the log.

    3) Is your tex distribution up to date?

  3. Regina Venturin reporter

    1) Done

    2) I'm using TexStudio to run the files. Shouldn't that work as well? Running "pdflatex ClassicThesis.tex" from the command line doesn't work. I'm getting the following error:


    3) Yes, my tex distribution is up to date

  4. Ivo Pletikosić

    I'd remove all commands before \documentclass (silence, filter...). Compile from the directory where ClassicThesis.tex is, if that's why pdflatex is not finding classicthesis-config.tex.

  5. Regina Venturin reporter

    When removing the commands before \documentclass the error "! Undefined control sequence l.35 \documentclass ..." and the remaining errors from the image above are still showing up.

    I am compiling from the directory where ClassicThesis.tex is located.

  6. Ivo Pletikosić

    IDK. Something might be wrong with your latex installation. How does this compile:

    \section{Dolorem ipsum quia}
    Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia
    \subsection{dolor sit amet}
    Quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia
  7. Regina Venturin reporter

    Ok, pdflatex is working now, I reinstalled everything. So running "pdflatex ClassicThesis.tex" is working!

    What file(s) do I need to run biber on? There is no .bcf file in the folder.

  8. Ivo Pletikosić

    First let biblatex use biber by uncommenting "backend=biber" line and commenting out the bibtex9 line in classicthesis-config.tex. Next:

    pdflatex ClassicThesis
    biber ClassicThesis
    pdflatex ClassicThesis
  9. Regina Venturin reporter

    The compiling is working fine now. However, the sections are still not numbered, even after running "pdflatex ClassicThesis" several times...

  10. Ivo Pletikosić

    Are they numbered in my simple example above? Can't reproduce, you'll need to find the error by yourself. Start by removing pieces of code.

  11. Regina Venturin reporter

    Yes, they show up in the simple example and in every other tex document I have used up till now. I have tried finding the error myself for two days before asking. I will try running it on a different machine tonight, maybe that helps

  12. Regina Venturin reporter

    As an info: the section numbers show up when working on a different machine. Just in case someone else has the same issue. Thanks for your help!

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