\part*{some text} shows page number

Issue #153 resolved
Luca Saiani created an issue

I noticed that using

\part*{some text}

adds the page number at the center bottom of the page. My thesis is divided in parts and I am using the command \part*{text} as title for the appendix because I don't want to have this title to be "Part XX: Appendix"

Is there a way to get a consistent behaviour between \part{} and part*{} in terms of page numbering?



Comments (3)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    Try adding this after the call to classicthesis:


    I assume you don't need the part-text for this one. Compare with the similar titlesec package setting in classicthesis.sty.

  2. Luca Saiani reporter

    Hi Ivo,

    thanks for your code. I did some changes:


    To rid off the part-text.

    Now it works as expected. Issue solved.

    Thanks, Luca

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