Incoherent font for chapter numbers in ToC

Issue #163 closed
Rueyshi Jang created an issue

In a recent TeX.SX post, @Peter noticed that only the first digit of the chapter number in the ToC was correctly set to \sffamily while the rest digits were in \rmfamily (when the arsclassica style is used). Here is a MWE to illustrate the problem:

    \setcounter{chapter}{110}% changed for illustration
    \chapter{Some chapter}
    \section{Some section}

In my answer, I proposed to redefine \numberline to accommodate classicthesis’s implementation. But a self-contained solution is much preferable.

Due to the way classicthesis implements tracking/letterspacing, care must be taken whenever \spacedallcaps and \spacedlowsmallcaps are used. Instead of changing \numberline from tocloft, the following takes care of the chapter number:

% Changing `classicthesis.sty'
\renewcommand{\cftchappresnum}{\spacedlowsmallcaps\bgroup}% <- add `\bgroup'
\renewcommand{\cftchapaftersnum}{\egroup}% <- this line inserted
\renewcommand{\cftchapaftersnumb}{\spacedlowsmallcaps}% <- no change needed

Modifications as the above should be made for \cftsecpresnum, \cftsubsecpresnum, \cftsubsubsecpresnum (because of \MakeTextLowercase) and/or \cftfigpresnum, \cfttabpresnum, \cftlistingspresnum (I don’t see why you have two \renewcommand’s for these three).

P.S. I suppose the original design didn’t expect more than nine chapters. May I suggest changing \settowidth{\newchnumberwidth}{.} to \settowidth{\newchnumberwidth}{0}? The box width is increased by one digit width, which seems more natural for two-digit chapter numbers.

P.P.S. I also noticed that tracking was set differently: With pdfTeX and LuaTeX, we have \textls[160]{...} for upper case and \textls[80]{...} for lower case. But with XeTeX, we have LetterSpace=18.0 for upper case and LetterSpace=14.0 for lower case. Are there some conversion factors used, or are the different settings made just by designing intuition?

Comments (9)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    Dear Rueyshi, thanks for your report. I'm sure there are many other places like this where applying spaced caps only affects the first character due to lacking (?) implementations of different hooks in packages classicthesis is using. I suppose we could redefine the \cft* commands as you're proposing; it may take some time, though. The whole problem with spaced caps comes from the way upper/lowercasing in TeX/LaTeX works. As for the WordSpace - this is as a matter of fact not used (it's in a comment to remind us of the possibility) because of the statement in the fontspec manual saying "Note that TeX’s optimisations in how it loads fonts means that you cannot use this feature in \addfontfeatures." Why fontspec instead of microtype tracking? Simple reason - microtype tracking does not work with XeTeX.

  2. Rueyshi Jang reporter

    @Ivo Thank you for your response. The problem of the hook \cft*presnum is that it merely prepends code in front of the number and it was not designed to take mandatory argument. In classicthesis, the expansion of \cftchappresnum unfortunately falls behind the expansion of \thechapter, and thus only the first digit is grabbed. Indeed, if we were to write \DeclareRobustCommand{\spacedlowsmallcaps}{\lsstyle\ct@caps} (for pdfTeX), then \ct@altfont would be applied correctly. But, 1) I don’t know if there is a \lsstyle-equivalence for XeTeX, and 2) The upper- and lower-casing are really tricky. Finally, please discard my comment on WordSpace. I shall edit it to clarify my intention.

  3. André Miede repo owner

    Again, thank you for your detailed input and your patience.

    Today, I did some tests with your MWE, adding manychapters=true:

    Wouldn't this be the expected result (111 in sans-serif)?

  4. André Miede repo owner

    P.S.: Changing to \settowidth{\newchnumberwidth}{0} is a good idea, thx! Done.

    P.P.S.: Uhm, yes, designing intuition. 😉

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