Question: page numbers on "Part" pages

Issue #167 resolved
Cathy Wu created an issue

By default and also in all the provided examples, the "Part" pages (the pages which say only Part I, Part II, etc.) do not include page numbers.

I'm wondering if it is possible to enable page numbers on those "Part" pages in the classicthesis template?

(Consistent page numbering on all pages is required by my department.)

And thanks a lot for this project, this template is very calming and beautiful.

Comments (3)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    Hi Cathy. Thanks for your kind words! This is what we're doing to the part pages:


    You want the page style to be "plain" instead of "empty". Let's try this:


    at some place in the preamble or in classicthesis-config.tex after classicthesis.sty has been loaded:

    Do not forget to send a postcard, please. :)

  2. Cathy Wu reporter

    Thank you so much for the quick response, and I certainly will! This worked beautifully!

    For posterity: I added the snippet to the end of classicthesis-config.tex. It's possible that the version I am using is slightly old, so I also needed to manually set the text color (Maroon) of the Part title:

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