Long Acronyms strange lining up

Issue #17 wontfix
Former user created an issue

``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Insert some short acronyms with short description and one long acronym with long description 2. pdflatex 3. check the produced output

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The long acronym description on 2 lines does not line up correctly in my opinion, the second line starts below the acronym (lining up with the description of short acronyms) instead of below the description of the long acronym.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? classic thesis 2010/05/01 v2.8 on Mac OsX 10.6.5

Please provide any additional information below.

example of the pdf output attached


Original issue reported on code.google.com by `enrikok` on 2011-01-08 10:32:28 <hr>

Comments (2)

  1. André Miede repo owner

    ``` Please use this system only for bugs/defects directly related to classicthesis.

    For issues like this refer to the respective manual, i.e., of the acronym package.

    For a start, try this: \begin{acronym}[putyourlongestacronymhereforcorrectalignment] ```

    Original issue reported on code.google.com by `amiede` on 2011-01-08 12:32:05 - Labels added: Type-Other, Priority-Low - Labels removed: Type-Defect, Priority-Medium

  2. Martin Hahner

    From the manual: https://mirror.foobar.to/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/acronym/acronym.pdf

    “If you pass an optional parameter to the acronymenvironment, the width of the acronym-column will be fitted to the width of the given parameter (which should be the longest acronym). For example, if HBCI is the longest acronym used, the list should start with”


    I had to do


    to fix my spacing because the longest acronym in my text is PROMETHEUS.

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