Nameref for chapter showing the previous subsection details

Issue #170 open
Sandeep George created an issue

I am not sure how this is supposed to work, for me when i use this template and i try to reference a \chapter’s label using nameref it pulls out the name from the previous section (the last available one)

When i change the chapter to a section, it pulls the right one. Is there something wonky that goes on when i try to nameref a chapter ?

Comments (6)

  1. Sandeep George reporter

    More examples

    In v4.6 i downloaded a fresh copy and added

    hello world this \ref{ch:introduction}--\nameref{ch:introduction}........

    This didnt work either ( the default version had compile errors when i tried to add a subsection). This did not work implies that after the emdash there was a blank it did not mention the chapter name.

    Interestingly this issue was not there in an olderversion of classic-thesis ( the one thats available on sharelatex) though it doesn’t tell the version number.

  2. Ivo Pletikosić

    This is nameref clashing with (the way we use) titlesec. Namely, after v4.2 we introduced \titleclass{\chapter}{top} so that titlesec would treat chapters the same way it treats parts, sections, subsections etc - by writing to ClassicThesis.toc

    \contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}{Examples}}{13}{chapter.2} \contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}{A New Section}}{13}{section.2.1}

    instead of (note the missing { } around Examples)

    \contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Examples}{13}{chapter.2} \contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}{A New Section}}{13}{section.2.1}

    This helps us format the table of contents with tocloft in a more consistent way.

    Now, unfortunately, nameref uses its own hacks (From nameref documentation: "This works by redefining some of the inside LATEX macros, so it is vulnerable to future changes."; also "Parts and chapters are treated differently. sigh.").

    I have to check if we can do anything about this. Removing only \titleclass{\chapter}{top} from classicthesis.sty would solve the issue with nameref, but the table of contents formatting for the chapters would be wrong.

  3. Sandeep George reporter

    @Ivo Pletikosić thankyou that helps with the nameref but as you pointed out the TOC formatting is now messed up. 😞 I was looking into hacking it with a temporary solution and im yet to find that.

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