CTtitle color not used for DirtyTitlepage or Titlepage

Issue #171 closed
Dave Howcroft created an issue


  • Setting CTtitle will set the color for the titlepage as well as the part pages

Observed outcome:

  • changing the CTtitle color has no effect on DirtyTitlepage or Titlepage


  • These two pages still hardcode Maroon instead of using the CTtitle color.

Should be a quick fix! Thanks for an awesome package 🙂

Comments (7)

  1. André Miede repo owner


    • Setting CTtitle will set the color for the titlepage as well as the part pages

    Observed outcome:

    • changing the CTtitle color has no effect on DirtyTitlepage or Titlepage


    • These two pages still hardcode Maroon instead of using the CTtitle color.

    Should be a quick fix! Thanks for an awesome package 🙂

  2. Ivo Pletikosić

    Dave, are you sure you're reporting this for version 4.6? This is what we have in those two files \color{CTtitle}\spacedallcaps{\myTitle}

    Adding \definecolor{CTtitle}{named}{Green} to classicthesis-config.tex after classicthesis.sty has been loaded does change all the colors from maroon to green.

  3. Dave Howcroft reporter

    I was sure, because I had just cloned the repo… but I was testing it with my thesis, so I accidentally overwrote those files.

    You’re 100% right that this is not a valid issue and should be closed.

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