Table positioning

Issue #173 closed
Stamatis Vretinaris created an issue

First of all, thank you for this nice template. I am currently writing my Master thesis and I am trying to put some results in tables.
I am using the twoside option and the problem is that the tables are lengthy and on the odd page numbers they fit inside of the page and in the even page numbers they exceed the page thus they are cut.
I attached an example of a table ( I tried it with tabularx and its the same thing). I tried to use resizebox, makebox to box the table and then move it with \hspace*{-2cm} for example but it didnt work, neither the \hspace command alone seems to work. Is there a way to move the tables around or to get a oneside option for only the appendix ?

Thanks in advance
Stamatis Vretinaris

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