Parts always starts on the left side

Issue #178 invalid
Timo Peuker created an issue

Is there a solution to start a part on the right side and leave the left side empty?

Comments (11)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    Timo, if you check the PDF that comes with the template you'll see that our parts do start on the right. Maybe you need a \cleardoublepage beforehand.

  2. Timo Peuker reporter

    Thanks for answering.
    I have tried with \cleardoublepage, but it doesn't work.
    Here is a snippet from my tex file:

    % Mainmatter
    % use \cleardoublepage here to avoid problems with pdfbookmark

    In the example it is also on the left

  3. Ivo Pletikosić

    Is this when you compile the template or when you open ours? Maybe your pdf viewer is doing something wrong. I suggest you first try getting the template right. These snippets don't help much.

  4. Timo Peuker reporter

    Open and compile. Compiling in TexStudio with integrated preview shows the part on the left side. The pdf viewer shows the same as the PDF preview in TexStudio.
    Is there somthing wrong by the compile process?

  5. Ivo Pletikosić

    Our pdf had 41 pages. Part pages are 15, 25, 33. Those are all odd, thus right hand side pages. Must be the viewer.

  6. Timo Peuker reporter

    I have open the PDF file in multiple viewer, nothing changed. Is the constraint for only on the right side in the style tex file define?

  7. Timo Peuker reporter

    Everything is work as expected. The PDF viewer do not exclude the title page from the double page view. I writing too long on my thesis today and I have not seen this problem.

    Sorry for this issue.

  8. Ivo Pletikosić

    Glad we got this sorted out. Good luck with your thesis, and please ~ don't ~ forget ~ to ~ send ~ Andre ~ a ~ postcard ~

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