pdfbookmark for listings to spanish

Issue #180 invalid
Murpholinox Peligro created an issue

why \listtablename gets properly translated (to spanish)


…. while \lstlistlistingname does not?


The first line puts Lista de Tablas in the contents of my pdf viewer, the second line puts Listings.

How can I fix the translation?

I am working on linux with version 4.6 of classic-thesis and pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019)
Greetings from México.

Comments (5)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    Hi M·P,

    Not really a classicthesis 'bug', this goes to not having support for listings in the babel package. There are some hints about what to do in classicthesis-config.tex around line 200. Try adding

    \addto\captionsspanish{\renewcommand*{\lstlistlistingname}{Lista de ...}}

    where two other \addto commands are, and let us know if it worked. This might also work (the new way): \renewcommand\spanishlstlistlistingname{Lista de ...}. I don't know if there are any options to babel that can do this for you, like es-tabla here https://bitbucket.org/amiede/classicthesis/wiki/SpanishLanguageSupport. Check https://ctan.org/pkg/babel documentation.

    Note: Also asked at https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/550394/

    Please don't forget to send André a postcard... from Mexico ;)

  2. Murpholinox Peligro reporter

    Thanks. I changed the next lines in the respective files.

    + Abstract.tex:\pdfbookmark[1]{Resumen}{Abstract}
    + Abstract.tex:\pdfbookmark[1]{Abstract}{Zusammenfassung}
    + Acknowledgments.tex:\pdfbookmark[1]{Agradecimientos}{acknowledgments}
    + Colophon.tex:\pdfbookmark[0]{Colofón}{colophon}
    o Contents.tex:\pdfbookmark[1]{\contentsname}{tableofcontents}
    o Contents.tex:    \pdfbookmark[1]{\listfigurename}{lof}
    o Contents.tex:    \pdfbookmark[1]{\listtablename}{lot}
    o Contents.tex:    \pdfbookmark[1]{\lstlistlistingname}{lol}
    + Contents.tex:    \pdfbookmark[1]{Acrónimos}{acronyms}
    + Declaration.tex:\pdfbookmark[0]{Declaración de autenticidad}{declaration}
    + Dedication.tex:\pdfbookmark[1]{Dedicatoria}{Dedication}
    o DirtyTitlepage.tex:%\pdfbookmark[1]{Titel}{title}
    + Publications.tex:\pdfbookmark[1]{Publicaciones}{publications}
    o Titlepage.tex:%\pdfbookmark[1]{\myTitle}{titlepage}

    where + means change and o means no change.
    Also I have to change the name in the \chapter*{} like so \chapter*{Agradecimientos}.

    And also i have to add the next lines to classicthesis-config.tex

      \renewcommand*{\lstlistlistingname}{Lista de código}%

    That seems to work. :)

    I’ll add this to https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/550394/

  3. Ivo Pletikosić

    Glad it worked. FYI: all these pdfbookmark commands are meant to be changed manually, i.e. we're adding them where there are no automatic mechanisms for adding special section titles to pdf ouline/toc (F9 in evince). More about those here (level 0 is for chapters, level 1 for sections; text is what you want printed, name is just an internal unique label): http://ftp.math.purdue.edu/mirrors/ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/hyperref/doc/manual.html#x1-150004.1 Good luck, i

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