Adding elements to the title page

Issue #182 closed
Alessandro created an issue


On the title page should stand the names of my supervisors and the composition of the jury. Moreover, I should have the logo of my university. I have written a title page as an independent tex file and use \input{titlepage} just after the \begin{document}. That works but the document does not compile if I do not give a title and author before the \begin{document}. Which results in order into:

  • my title page
  • blank page
  • a page with the title and my name
  • blablabla….

How do I get around this?

Generally speaking, wouldn’t it be nicer if the template already had aneasy way to input things like members of the jury and a logo?

Thanks a lot

EDIT: I simply commented out the \maketitle command and it seems to solve my problem.

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