Symmetry in margins

Issue #204 closed
Jon Martínez created an issue


I know this is always a conflict in classicthesis, so sorry in advance for the question, but:

Is there a way to achieve the text to be completely centered in the page layout? Even with oneside mode, the left margin is a bit bigger, and I did not find a way to solve this, or where this is defined inside the code.

Moreover, for twoside mode, the margin difference between left and right sides is always fixed? Or can it be tuned?

Thank you!

Comments (4)

  1. Jon Martínez reporter

    OK, I managed to solve it (actually I guess it’s a trivial question, but I am not an expert in LaTeX 😅 )

    Just modify the BCOR value in the documentclass definition. In oneside mode, setting it to zero will generate a symetric document. For twoside use it as desired, considering that for book printing the binding show be taken into account.


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