Add image to Part page

Issue #205 closed
fmm created an issue


Thanks enormously for providing this great template!

I am trying to add a image to the Part page (in the same way and position that is done with \ctparttext`) but can’t make it. I’ve tried to tweak the .sty file with no success.

Can you provide an example on how to add an image to the Part page? Would it be possible to update the template to have a default \ctpartimage ?

Comments (5)

  1. Ivo Pletikosić

    I'm sure something can be added, but where on the page would you add it? Where would someone else want it to show? If it's where the text is, you can simply add something like \includegraphics{gfx/example_4} within \ctparttext{}.

  2. fmm reporter

    Ok, thanks a lot!! This was the mistake I was doing:


    BTW, would it be possible to have everything in that part page center aligned? I noticed that some part part pages are left aligned and other are right aligned, seems to be dependent on the previous page.

  3. Ivo Pletikosić

    You'd have to tweak some \documentclass options: oneside for printing on one side and BCOR=0mm for zero "binding correction".

    (don't forget to send a postcard to Andre)

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