Long text with \ctparttext{}

Issue #206 closed
Julia-Maria Seeßelberg created an issue

Hello together,

First of all, thanks for this beautiful template!

I am using the latest version of classicthesis for LaTeX. In my Issue, I am referring to 'PART II THE SHOWCASE' in your template (In my document: Part II MY WORK).

For my doctoral thesis I wrote a long text in the \ctparttext which takes up a whole page. Therefore there is no space left for the title ‘Part II MY WORK’ which is automatically shifted to the page before. Problem here is, that it is not displayed at the top, but at the bottom of the page (see attached PDF). Furthermore the long text is still part of the Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION (see top left of the page).

I googled, asked ChatGPT, but could not find anything about \ctparttext and therefore ask for your help. Is there an easy solution for this, which removes INTRODUCTION at the top left of the page and (A) either moves the title on top of the text and shifts the text, so that the end is on another page or even better, (B) which shifts the title at the top on the left handed page and the long text on the right handed page?

Thank you in advance for looking at this issue.

Best regards,


Comments (7)

  1. Julia-Maria Seeßelberg reporter
      <div class="preview-container wiki-content"><!-- loaded via ajax --></div>
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  2. Ivo Pletikosić

    @Julia-Maria Seeßelberg: would adding a manual \pagebreak somewhere within your \ctparttext solve the problem, like in harum argumentum per eam. \pagebreak Errem omnium ea per. I can't think of any other (quick) solution atm. Maybe making the text width on the "part" pages a bit larger would also help, but I'd have to dig deeply into the code to find out how.

  3. Julia-Maria Seeßelberg reporter

    @Ivo Pletikosić thank you for your quick response!

    I could shift the end of the text to another page (solution A) with your suggestion of \pagebreak and additionally \cleardoubleemtypage which made it start also on the right page what looked better in this case. Unfortunately the title of the last section from the Introduction is still indicated on the top right where my end of the text shifted to now. Is there a command which removes this for particular pages?

  4. Julia-Maria Seeßelberg reporter

    @Ivo Pletikosić Update: I just managed it with your last suggestion!

    With \usepackage{changepage} and \begin{adjustwidth}{1cm}{1cm} long text \end{adjustwidth} the text width was even more minimized within the afore given text width. But with negative values like \begin{adjustwidth}{-1cm}{-1cm} I could enlarge the text width bring it all to one page.

    Thank you a lot!

  5. Ivo Pletikosić

    Quick answer, @Julia-Maria Seeßelberg, I'm getting a bit rusty in LaTeX: \thispagestyle{empty} or \pagestyle{plain} + \pagestyle{scrheadings} might help. Also check how the margins are widened in DirtyTitlepage.tex using something like \begin{addmargin}[-10mm]{-30mm}…\end{addmargin} (no need for addtl packages). The whole template is a bit fragile because it has so many dependencies, but if it works - it works.

    (please add your postcard to https://miede.de/postcards/)

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