Page numbers in content view appear to be broken

Issue #42 wontfix
Former user created an issue

``` Difficult to explain, please have a look at the file. If I use the Okular pdf viewer the page numbering in the content view is broken, however not the pages inside the visible document itself.

Do not know how relevant the problem is since Adobe Reader does not seem to show the page numbers in any case. However, it has to do with the pdfs created through lyx with pdflatex and classicthesis, because other pdfs do work fine.

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. use vanilla classicthesis files 2. export using pdflatex (only exporting function that works for me with classicthesis)

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? expected output to be able to see page numbers in contents. See py instead for every entry.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? lyx 2.0.1, classicthesis 3.0, opensuse 11.3 ```

Original issue reported on by `jens.uhlenbrock` on 2011-10-31 20:32:32 <hr>

Comments (10)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Hi there! I've already noticed this in Adobe Reader (under Windows, I think), in the toolbar where page numbers are shown. While you scroll, on some pages the numbers have strange characters attached.

    Can you try downloading some old packages from to see how they behave? I can't reproduce this issue on any of my PDFs in acroread@Linux, but the error shows in your PDF. First what I notice is that you're probably missing some fonts (beramono, for example), and that substitutes are used. Compare the fonts used in your document to those used in the PDF that comes in the bundle from this site. In evince/acroread this is under File/Properties.

    You can disable beramono in classicthesis-config.tex. Euler fonts as well. Try also without using the option "drafting". Yet another good candidate is "pdfspacing".

    At last, if all this wouldn't work, send us your LaTeX log (in LyX: menu Document). There should be a note of substitutes used.

    What's the version of TeX Live you're using?

    This is a list of texlive fonts installed on my system, might help you to find out what you're missing: texlive-amsfonts texlive-amsfonts-fedora-fonts texlive-arphic-fedora-fonts texlive-avantgar-fedora-fonts texlive-bera-fedora-fonts texlive-bookman-fedora-fonts texlive-cmcyr-fedora-fonts texlive-courier-fedora-fonts texlive-eurosym-fedora-fonts texlive-fpl-fedora-fonts texlive-gnu-freefont-fedora-fonts texlive-helvetic-fedora-fonts texlive-latex-fonts texlive-lm-fedora-fonts texlive-marvosym-fedora-fonts texlive-mathpazo-fedora-fonts texlive-mflogo-fedora-fonts texlive-ncntrsbk-fedora-fonts texlive-philokalia-fedora-fonts texlive-pxfonts-fedora-fonts texlive-rsfs-fedora-fonts texlive-sauterfonts texlive-tex-gyre-fedora-fonts texlive-times-fedora-fonts texlive-tipa-fedora-fonts texlive-txfonts texlive-txfonts-fedora-fonts texlive-utopia-fedora-fonts texlive-wadalab-fedora-fonts texlive-xypic-fedora-fonts texlive-zapfchan-fedora-fonts texlive-zapfding-fedora-fonts


    Original issue reported on by `ivo.pletikosic` on 2011-11-01 10:21:30

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Sorry that it took me a while and already thank you so much for your help!

    I'm having trouble getting the old files to work in lyx since they are tex only and lyx is giving my error messages after the import. I'm having the issue on both my machines (laptop and PC) with the same installed packages.

    I did install the beramono fonts and everything else under texlive-fonts-extra, so now my used fonts in the corrupted pdf are the same as in the original pdf, where everything is fine. I've also tried to disable the beramono fonts and other options that you've given in classicthesis-config.tex but the result does not change.

    My texlive version is 2011-62.1 taken from from where I also got the lyx version 2.0.1-54.2.

    The lyx latex log is attached, in case this helps. ```

    Original issue reported on by `jens.uhlenbrock` on 2011-11-13 18:41:50 <hr>

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` I have no idea what the problem is, I'm sorry. The same/similar/related issue appears in Adobe Reader 9 for Linux, but not in AR 10 for Windows. Take a look at the examples at, most of them exhibit the issue with page numbers - in AR 9, but not AT 10, and not Evince.

    Did you try the version for LaTeX? Also, exporting LyX version to LaTeX and compiling with pdflatex? ```

    Original issue reported on by `ivo.pletikosic` on 2011-11-15 11:14:39

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Actually, I couldn't get all the tex versions to work. But I've now installed the bundled version of lyx on a Windows machine with MiKTeX and I get the same result no matter whether with LuaTeX or with ps2pdf export. I used the version.

    Don't know whether this helps much, but I thought I'd share this info. ```

    Original issue reported on by `jens.uhlenbrock` on 2011-11-20 20:30:10

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Can you check the pdf I'm attaching now, please. It was produced by using revtex4-1 class and has nothing to do with classicthesis. I'm seeing the same issue with pagenumbers in Adobe Reader 9 for Linux. Also attached is the LyX source and a layout file for LyX. To compile it, you hould have the newest revtex v4.1


    Original issue reported on by `ivo.pletikosic` on 2011-12-11 01:17:25 <hr>

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` You probably weren't talking to me when asking to check your file, but I did and can confirm that it's exactly the same problem as I have described. ```

    Original issue reported on by `jens.uhlenbrock` on 2011-12-12 06:16:14

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Actually, J.U., I *was* asking you. Thanks for replying! :) I wanted to know if what I see as a problem in AR9 is also a problem in Okular (and never in AR11 or Evince)

    Strange thing is that my latest examples look fine if compiled with documentclass revtex4, but not with revtex4-1.


    Original issue reported on by `ivo.pletikosic` on 2011-12-13 02:46:15

  8. André Miede repo owner

    ``` Hi, can we close this issue? I don't see how classicthesis could do such fundamental changes to the PDF output...probably a font issue (displaying old style figures etc.). ```

    Original issue reported on by `amiede` on 2011-12-30 11:50:32 - Labels added: Type-Other, Priority-Low - Labels removed: Type-Defect, Priority-Medium

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Sure.

    Any idea where else would be a better place to report this issue? ```

    Original issue reported on by `jens.uhlenbrock` on 2011-12-31 17:21:48

  10. André Miede repo owner

    ``` Hmmm, good question. Maybe the PDF viewer itself or pdfTeX? ```

    Original issue reported on by `amiede` on 2012-01-01 10:24:18

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