All Greek to me ;-)

Issue #5 closed
André Miede repo owner created an issue

``` Problems arise using the template with Greek language extensions, namely:

\usepackage[iso-8859-7]{inputenc} \usepackage[greek,american]{babel} \usepackage{kerkis} \selectlanguage{greek} % after begin document

Solved by Yiannis:

I posted a question to the comp.tex group regarding the problem. The problem is caused becaause classicthesis-ldpkg loads mparhack, and mpackhack doesn't like the combination of pagenumbering{roman} and greek. To overcome this problem I added the following in the the preamble

\makeatletter \addto\extrasgreek{% \let\@roman\latin@roman \let\@Roman\latin@Roman} \makeatother

... and everything runs smoothly.


Original issue reported on by `amiede` on 2008-04-29 15:49:16

Comments (2)

  1. André Miede reporter

    ``` (No text was entered with this change) ```

    Original issue reported on by `amiede` on 2011-01-01 13:19:34

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