[enanchment] add \cleardoublepage before \pagenumbering{arabic} to main tex file

Issue #80 resolved
Former user created an issue
Dear Dr. Miede, please consider this submission which is half way between a bug and
a feature request, and could save some trouble to many people.

The template compiles correctly as provided, but is prone to generate problems in some
circumstances. Let me explain.

A \cleardoublepage is needed before \pagenumbering{arabic}, and off course you correctly
put it. However, instead of putting such command in the main tex file, (eg, on line
84, just before the \pagenumbering{arabic}) you included the cleardoublepage at the
end of the FrontBackMatter/Contents.tex file.

This is inconsistent with the style of the template (cleardoublepage commands are used
allover the main file, before each chapter, and not within the single chapter files).
And, more important, this might generate inverted even and odd pages in special circumstances,
such as:
* if the user removes the table of contents,
* if he uses a custom one,
* if he adds some new content to the frontmatter, after the TOC.

I know that you should not care about problems generated by users who modify the template,
but please consider this request because a very small modification can generate a serious
problem. Additionally, the inverted even and odd pages are easy to be unnoticed on
screen, and just become evident in the final print! Also, without the proper \clardoublepage
command, even and odd pages may randomly switch from being correct to inverted, depending
on the length of the TOC. And the latter might change at any minute if a chapter is
added/removed, or if subsection are included/excluded from the TOC.

This is exactly what happened to me: I was using a custom FrontBackMatter/Contents.tex
which did not include the \cleardoublepage, but the thesis was printing correctly just
the same because my table of contents was 2 pages long. Just before the final printing,
I removed the subsections from the TOC and the table of contents became 1 page long.
Immediately, even and odd pages become inverted! After this last modification, I just
checked the thesis on the monitor and did not noticed the problem... until final printing!
Luckily, I was printing in house, so I noticed the problem after only one copy was
printed. But if I had the thesis printed from a service, they would have not checked
the formatting and I would have received 3 costly incorrect bound-book copies!

Hope you will consider my suggestion, and include the proposed modification in the

Best regards

Apart from this, your template is very very cool! Congratulations and thank you very

Postcard's coming :)

Original issue reported on code.google.com by luca.clem on 2014-02-14 15:30:35

Comments (2)

  1. André Miede repo owner
    Thanks for the hint, I'll look into that for the next release.

    Original issue reported on code.google.com by amiede on 2014-02-25 17:52:43

  2. André Miede repo owner
    (No text was entered with this change)

    Original issue reported on code.google.com by amiede on 2014-03-31 17:50:44

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