Small caps in TOC and headers for chapter title and sections

Issue #87 open
Former user created an issue
first of all THANK YOU for all every thing you do> 

In my PhD thesis (Using LyX 4.1 version) 

I have to include some element names like Ge in the chapter title and sections 

so I expect the output in the TOC and headers the same cap case but it appears GE.

I have tried to use:
1. \NoCaseChange{Ge}
2. \emph{Ge}
and other options 

but it is not working 
can you help me with this and consider that I am a beginner  in LaTex 

Original issue reported on by odaghri on 2014-05-30 12:03:03

Comments (3)

  1. André Miede repo owner
    Currently, there is no way to achieve this (as far as I know). Especially a way to achieve
    a typographically satisfying result.

    Original issue reported on by amiede on 2014-06-16 10:25:52

  2. André Miede repo owner

    "However, I am struggeling with a fontstyle problem: I want to include terms in my chapter titles, which should not be capitalized. If I just mark the letters not to be capitalised by \lowercase{xyz} it looks great in the shown chapter title. But in the headmarks every letter is written in caps.

    I was playing around in the 'headlines' part of the classicthesis.sty file, but the headmark of the chapter does not change if I change the fontstyle in the renewcommand{\chaptermark} part at all. It always shows the \spacallcaps style even though I enter another style."

    --> Seems to be a common problem for users from the chemistry departments.


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