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Anano, short for Amunium Nano framework, is intended as an extremely lightweight and fast replacement for heavier frameworks, such as Symfony and Laravel, when most of their features are not needed. As such it should not be used for larger projects or anything you intend to support for longer periods.

Anano comes out of the box with most features you would need for a small site with few pages and at most a few simple database tables. For more complicated sites, or sites that need long term support, it is not recommended you use this framework.



When you first create a project with anano, you will need to run composer install from the project root to set up autoloading.

In a Linux environment it is also strongly recommended you run sudo sh install to set up the correct access rights. Otherwise you will need to change this yourself.


Anano follows the MVC pattern.

By default, an Anano 2 project folder will contain a /public folder. You can delete this if you do not intend to use it, but for security purposes it is recommended that you point your webserver to this as the root folder and put your website assets in there.

The /app folder contains the files for your current project. /src contains the framework in the root namespace Anano. It is recommended that you create your own bundles for general classes in this folder, although you can of course add your own auto-loaders in composer.json and place your files where you want.
