determine what (advanced) options need to be in simulation form

Issue #6 duplicate
Bart Moeneclaey created an issue

perhaps an "advanced" subwindow / tab / section is needed that allows the user to * enable/disable reference simulation (default on) * set verbosity of log file * save internal analysis results * do a flat gnt analysis * ...

"Use redundancy relations" is no longer applicable

Comments (2)

  1. jverbrug

    Tab is not possible in main form, but should be possible in advanced options (see tran). However advanced options are all for internal AC and are now netlisted automatically with builtin function.

    Subwindow might do it, but will need hidden fields in the main form.

    Existing pnoise form is a very complex form, might serve as example. But I think some stuff is autogenerated. Want OASIS guide!

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