Deliver error with domains on different volumes?

Issue #100 resolved
Pablo Fredrikson created an issue

I'm having a really weird issue. I have a digital ocean dropplet running ubuntu 14 and docker 1.11.2. I'm using docker-compose to start a few containers including the poste mail server. Everything works perfect except for 1 thing.

I have a domain on another volume (because it has a lot of emails) and when I mount that volume I can't receive any emails to any domain on that disk. I get:

"Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)"

Permissions are fine, I checked like 10 times. I tried running bash on the poste container and writing to the dir and it works fine. I also tried to create a new account (on the domain hosted on that volume) and the directories are created without issues. But I can't put any emails there.

Any ideas on how to debug this issue? Thanks!

Comments (3)

  1. Pablo Fredrikson reporter

    I've found the issue. A file was missing: {{.qmail-default}} ... After copying that file from another domain directory, it started working

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