Did networking just change on the Docker container?

Issue #101 resolved
Michael Shadle created an issue

I restarted my system (Ubuntu 16.04 latest), Docker 1.11.2, and also updated to the latest Poste build.

When I do docker logs I see this constantly. I was able to confirm another Docker container has networking and runs just fine. Could something have been changed or messed up with the base container it was built from? There are no network tools or anything inside to be able to figure out if it's even connected properly. Docker thinks it has an address, but otherwise nothing inside the container seems to act like it has a network.

Poste.io container should be running now at local address

Error: socket() failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Error: service(managesieve-login): listen(::, 4190) failed: Address family not supported by protocol
nginx: [emerg] socket() [::]:80 failed (97: Address family not supported by protocol)
Error: socket() failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Error: service(pop3-login): listen(::, 110) failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Error: socket() failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Error: service(pop3-login): listen(::, 995) failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Error: socket() failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Error: service(imap-login): listen(::, 143) failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Error: socket() failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Error: service(imap-login): listen(::, 993) failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Error: socket() failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Error: service(quota-status): listen(::, 13001) failed: Address family not supported by protocol
Fatal: Failed to start listeners

Comments (2)

  1. Michael Shadle reporter

    okay, nevermind. this is a dupe of #68 - it just presented itself in a new way.

    I've had ipv6 disabled on the host and Poste was running fine. now it's back to not running unless ipv6 is on the host, and Docker is started with --ipv6

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