import docker image error

Issue #1033 closed
miguobiwang created an issue

Firstly, I exported the Docker container as an image, then imported this image, and encountered many errors during run,

run command is:

docker run -d -t\
    -p 1880:80 -p 18443:443 -p 25:25 -p 110:110 -p 143:143 -p 465:465 -p 587:587 -p 993:993 -p 995:995 -p 4190:4190 \
    -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \
    -v /data/mail-data:/data \
    --name myposte \
    -h "" \
    --restart=always \
    my-poste/my-poste:1.0 /init

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