Docker image : can't create log folders Permission denied

Issue #136 closed
Abdessamad BELARBI created an issue


I'm trying to install the posteio docker image and I get these errors :

24/10/2016 18:03:38[services.d] starting services
24/10/2016 18:03:38[services.d] done.
24/10/2016 18:03:38s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /var/log/s6/php-fpm: Permission denied
24/10/2016 18:03:38s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /var/log/s6/qmail-send: Permission denied
24/10/2016 18:03:38s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /var/log/s6/qpsmtpd-preforkserver: Permission denied
24/10/2016 18:03:38
24/10/2016 18:03:38?[42m
24/10/2016 18:03:38 container should be running now at local address
24/10/2016 18:03:38?[m
24/10/2016 18:03:38
24/10/2016 18:03:38s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /var/log/s6/spamd: Permission denied
24/10/2016 18:03:38s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /var/log/s6/cron: Permission denied
24/10/2016 18:03:38s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /var/log/s6/clamd: Permission denied
24/10/2016 18:03:38s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /var/log/s6/dovecot: Permission denied
24/10/2016 18:03:39s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /var/log/s6/php-fpm: Permission denied
24/10/2016 18:03:39s6-log: fatal: unable to mkdir /var/log/s6/qmail-send: Permission denied

It looks like the log folder does not have the rights. This is my docker compose folder :

  image: busybox
  command: /bin/true
  net: none
  volume_driver: convoy-nfs
    - mail_posteio:/data

  - 25:25
  - 80:80
  - 443:443
  - 110:110
  - 143:143
  - 465:465
  - 587:587
  - 993:993
  - 995:995
  - 4190:4190
  image: analogic/
    - mail-data
    HTTPS: "OFF"

Comments (2)

  1. SH repo owner
    • edited description
    • changed status to closed

    Docker image seems can't write to /data folder. Closing, please reopen if you have still this issue

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