Admin account not created

Issue #159 resolved
Cyril Grosjean created an issue

After a clean install, the first admin account created isn't working.

I tried multiple times, and I can see from the users.sql file is that the admin user isn't created.

Have I made an error during first configuration of the container or am I looking in the wrong file ?

Comments (5)

  1. Cyril Grosjean reporter

    Not at all. Standard Debian Jessie with docker installed, and the container is launched from this command-line :

    docker run --net=host -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v /srv/poste:/data --name "mail" -e "HTTPS=OFF" --restart=always -t analogic/

    The domain is created in the SQLite file, but not the user as shown below :

    sqlite> select * from users;
    sqlite> select * from domains;|2017-02-06 11:47:09|2017-02-06 11:47:09
  2. SH repo owner

    Do you have clean "/srv/poste" before start? Do you see some error when running first or when you fill first form? Are you logged to administration after you fill the first form?

    Also please try docker pull analogic/ to download latest image, there was for half day silly bug which prevented creating new users...

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