454 4.7.1 <admin@xxx.com>: Relay access denied

Issue #176 invalid
Anagers created an issue

Ok, so I am trying to test the webmail and it works fine, sending from my server to yahoo and yopmail email, everything is perfectly okay, however when I try to reply/forward the message that I got from yahoo and yopmail mailbox, trying to forward back to my server, it turns out that It is not working and got the 454 4.7.1 error, I tired everything I can do, I did a research but I got the same error. Please help!

454 4.7.1 admin@xxxxx.com: Relay access denied

This is the error on the server

Mar 24 14:08:20 s2000002 postfix/smtpd[22241]: connect from mail-out.yopmail.com[] Mar 24 14:08:20 s2000002 postfix/smtpd[22241]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mail-out.yopmail.com[]: 454 4.7.1 admin@xxxxxx.com: Relay access denied; from=forward-activation-noreply@forward.yopmail.com to=admin@xxxxxx.com proto=ESMTP helo=<mx-out.yopmail.com> Mar 24 14:08:20 s2000002 postfix/smtpd[22241]: disconnect from mail-out.yopmail.com[]

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