Bug mail forwarding

Issue #206 closed
itsense created an issue


I'd like to set some email redirection but it looks like it doesn't work very well..

In the custome email filter I can see the default setup from poste.io :

poste.io redirect filter

if true { redirect "direction@domaine.com"; }

Could I have some help please ?

Thank you.

Best Regards. Alexis.

Comments (4)

  1. itsense reporter

    Sorry, It means, doesn't work at all.

    If I send an email to test1@domain.com with forwarding rules to test2@domain.com, my email is received by test1 but nothing in test2's mailbox.

  2. itsense reporter

    Hi, I found my mistake...

    Went to "Redirect email to other recipients" instead of "Copy incoming emails to other emails"

    Thanks anyway ! :)

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